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1.Schermata 2023-03-15 alle 10.10.28.png


Born in Naples but transplanted to Chile for over 30 years, she graduated in Ibero-American languages and literature in Rome and obtained a Masters in Anthropology at the University of Coimbra - Portugal. He directs the San Miguel de Tucuman Biodance School in Argentina. He imparts training modules in Latin America and Europe. She is specialized in the application of Biodanza in situations of risk for family violence. She is specialized in Biodanza and Neo-Shamanism. Biodanza and clay and expert of Gylanic and ancestral culture in relation to the Biocentric culture. He is IbFed Vice President.

Biocentric Culture: return to the memory of matristic societies

Sunday 28 May 2023

3.30pm - 4pm

Remember, remember and reactivate our memories with the ancestors and women who are part of our collective and personal unconscious.
When we talk about deep ecology, we are first of all aware that our ancestors have left us a planet that we have a duty to take care of. If we take care of our planet, our great mother earth, we take care of ourselves.
Deep ecology is linked to the biocentric principle of the Biodanza System. The biocentric principle in turn takes us back to the past where human communities were matristic, i.e. men and women were equal in the development of the whole community.
If we are being evolved / and this means "to take to the chest" our present and future responsibilities.
If we want a change, we all have to remember and respect the teaching of our and our ancestors. Their stories, their songs and their parables...
In remembering them is remembering them, we ourselves are sacred bearers of these sacred spells that are transformed into real rituals and legacies for future generations. 
Preserving traditions enriches us and makes us great.


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