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Susanna Ponzone

Titrated Biodanza facilitator and Co-Director of the Ibf Biodanza School of Piedmont. She specializes in Biodanza for Children and Adolescents. ISEF graduate and graduated in Sports Science with a thesis on Biodanza, she teaches at the classical high school of Asti. She is a Counselor diploma at the ASPIC of Rome and Facilitator of self-help groups for Depression and Anxiety at the Faculty of Psychology of the Bicocca University of Milan. He practiced Yoga at the Psychosynthesis Center of Dr. Balla, Chinese Micromassage with Dr. Qi Xiao Hui, Taji-chi and Wing Chung. He leads Biodanza groups in Asti and Costigliole (AT).

The luxury of living is there

creativity of nature

Practical session of Biodanza

Saturday 27 May 2023

10:30 - 11:45

The proposal of this vivencia is to experience deep ecology starting from the perception of one's body as a source of pleasure up to voluptuously adhering to life.


“The luxury of living is the creativity of nature.

It is the endless sequence of pleasures in the mighty womb of life.

It is the celebration of Bach cantatas and tantric sculptures of Khajuraho temple.

Laughter and singing are also supreme expressions of our lust.

We can revitalize the world in which we live, we can emerge from the chaos of boredom and obscenity induced by the culture of death.

As long as we feel the cadences of our dance as meaningful expressions, like emergence and desire, like erection and turgidity, like warmth and kisses, we are on the verge of developing life expansive forces.”

Rolando Toro Araneda


The way of eros is a promise of deep connection with oneself, with the other and with life to arrive at the vivencia of unity with the universe.

We are part of the unknowable pulse of existence.


“We need the mysterious every day.

From the belly of the earth we draw the dream of God."

Rolando Toro Araneda


At the origins of the origins of the Forum

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