
Aline Reis
Biodanza Teacher Facilitator, Pedagogue, Master in Social Research applied to the Environment and PhD in Education. It has brought together these disciplines in its human development program: "Los Pilares del Amor", for 9 years, and has recently also joined the services offered by Instituto Vive, a cooperative of Psychology, Pedagogy and Integral Health. He is currently Pedagogical Consultant at the Rolando Toro Al-Ándalus Biodanza System School in Almería. He holds regular Biodanza lessons in Lucena – Spain. More than 20 schools in Andalusia have already experimented with Biodanza through their projects and participated in more than 500 pedagogical consultations, which have resulted in better health for hundreds of families.
Biodanza and the pillars of love to live healthy relationships
Sunday 28 May 2023
8:30 - 9:20
“Los Pilares del Amor” is a human development program created by the teacher Aline Reis, PhD in Pedagogy and Biodanza Teacher Facilitator. It brings together pedagogical resources designed to enrich emotional relationships, added to the Biodanza methodology to bring knowledge to the experience of love and healthy relationships. The proposal explores the fundamental pillars for achieving authenticity in emotional relationships: communication, self-esteem, respect and limits. Love itself is the main essence that drives all dimensions of human bonding.
In this space, the experience related to the positive transformation of relationships will be shared, through participation in the editions of "Los Pilares del Amor" since 2014, as well as how the main concepts define the success and continuity of this program and its adaptation in centers educational.